Nov 30 Hunt - Front

We are already in the first week of November, the 4th or 5th week of archery season (depending on what you consider a week), and I haven’t even pulled my bow back once. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t seen deer; just haven’t had the chance at something I want to shoot. However, here are a couple of stores from the season so far:


How My First Recorded Hunt Went

Camera Man
Camera Man

Saturday, October 29th, my first recorded hunt. My cousin Neng decides he wants to record me hunt since the season has been so rough. So I agree and we head on this long journey to the spot I saw a 9-point (story below). First, we bump a buck and we just watch it in the darkness making its way toward us, and then running away. We then bump a few more deer on the way. We then get lost because there is so much water. We then end up taking until daylight to get ready since we have no idea what we are doing. We should have practiced in hindsight. Neng almost drops the camera from 30 feet. And to top it all off, we see nothing. But I must say, it was an hilarious and enjoyable moment that I wouldn’t mind doing over and over. I tend to get caught in this mindset that I need to be alone in the woods to shoot something; but as the saying goes, sometimes it’s the hunt and not the kill. Enjoy the little snippet of me trying to rattle in something:


The Wild Coyote

Afternoon hunt and I haven’t seen anything all day. Night is coming near and I hear footsteps behind me. I look and I see the back of the deer and all of a sudden it stops. I hear more footsteps walking towards it from the other way, then all of a sudden the deer flies out of the area. I’m thinking what the? I then hear the second set of footsteps walking through the cattails behind me and I don’t see anything. Then all it pops out – what do you know, a coyote. They seem to be taking over the general area that I am hunting. I hear them every time I am out. It’s quite frustrating having to deal with these critters when you only have so much time in the woods to make a harvest. I hope none of you hunters have to deal with this type of infestation.


The 4 Spooky Does

It was October 30th, the start of the rut in my opinion. My brother and I decided to do an afternoon hunt. I went to one of my favorite spots; it’s pinch point between an open field and private land. There’s a stretch of apples and it creates a low funnel that deer like to go through because it’s thick. I prepped and got into the tree with my Summit Viper Elite SD climber about 3 PM. It wasn’t until 4 PM until I saw a doe sprinting through the thick stuff to my right – I’m thinking maybe the dog spooked it, because I didn’t see anything come out. I’m thinking to myself, at least there are deer in the area. So I wait, and wait, and wait, and nothing comes. I’m thinking this was a mistake. I wasn’t seeing anything and I had to take a leak, so I figured I’ll just go in this ziplock bag I have since I don’t want to spread the scent everywhere. I bend over to grab it and my range finder slips out of my pocket and “dings” my climber – now I’m thinking nothing is really going to come. So I proceed to grab the bag and relieve myself in it; come to find out there is a hole in it. So I have urine spilling out of the bag, I’m making loud noises, and I’m stinking up the area. I figure no deer would come anymore so while I was going to drop the bag onto the floor, long behold I see a doe coming. I quickly throw my bag into my hunting bag and get ready. I see a bigger deer trailing it, “It must be a buck” I say. Come to find out it’s just another doe. This happens 2 more times, so I have a total of 4 does at 40 yards behind some trees. It has been a long season so I am thinking about shooting one to relieve my itchy trigger-finger. As they are approach, I hear footsteps behind me. I look to find that its this huge raccoon making all this noise. Short story, it spooks the deer and I am just furious. Can’t get a break.


The Heartbreaking 9-Point

I’ve seen deer here and there but the only note worthy one was the big 9-point public land buck. I decided to go to an area I’ve always wanted to try, so I did one day after work. It’s a little swamp with a creek running through it, and it has good cover. I get up in the tree about 4:30 PM and wait. About 5:30, I see a deer tearing up trees behind me. I couldn’t see it so I figured it was probably a small buck, so I just kind of watch until it stops and I see or hear nothing. Moments later I see this small buck making its way towards me from the other side – I figured it would be nice to watch it. It strolls along until it stops and then sprints back to where it came from. I’m thinking what did I do wrong? Oh well. Later I see small trees moving again and I pay closer attention. I can see the tips and it looks small, until it steps up out of the little hill and long behold this massive 9-point pops out. Now I figured that was what scared the smaller buck half across the county. I grab my bow, trying to range it while it’s tearing stuff up. The big boy came within about 60 yards minding his business when all of a sudden he stops and stares in my direction. In my defense, I stopped moving, the wind was blowing towards me, so I’m sure he was using his sixth sense that all big bucks seem to have. The casual day becomes a 20 minute stare until he decides to go slowly go back the way he came. It was so heartbreaking and frustrating to work so hard and it come that close for nothing. After that, I haven’t seen it since. While talking with a couple of other hunters, I heard someone may have shot the doe the 9 was trailing and scared it to the next county; so I pretty much lost hope of ever seeing it again – BUT it is the rut, so maybe it’ll chase itself back into the area. Also, a few minutes after he disappears, a small 6 point comes right under me. I just watch it do it’s thing until it disappeared into the trees and night came.

Like I said, it’s been a rough season, but it hasn’t stopped me from getting my wall-hanger. I’m booked this upcoming weekend for a family trip, so I only have on more weekend to hunt until the guns come out. Wish me luck!


Here a couple of pictures from one of my hunts just to color my bland page:

Nov 30 Hunt - Right Nov 30 Hunt - Bow Nov 30 Hunt - Left

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