When I was growing up, I often heard people saying “You’re going to end up with a cubicle job in an office if you don’t work hard!” Being so young and vulnerable, I grew up with the belief that being stuck in a cube all day would be the bane of my existence. I believed that if I didn’t consistently strive to “reach for the stars”, I’d succumb to being held in contempt of success. My punishment would be sitting all day within four walls in an uncomfortable chair, and a desk where I’d be doing paperwork 9-5. OH, THE HORROR!!

Fast-forward some amount of years. I am actually working in a cubicle.

Despite the treacherous travels through Michigan blizzards to get to college classes (by foot I might add), the long hours of homework trying to get straight A’s while simultaneously working at a fast-food chain (shout out to BK!), and the thousands of dollars of debt I’ve accrued to pay for school; I still ended up in a cubicle.

THE HORROR!! Right? Mmm..not really. I kind of like it; a lot. I mean, the walls could be a better color and a more modern design could enhance my creativity; but doesn’t bother me much. These walls protect me from distractions so I can concentrate and do what I enjoy; programming/coding/development (whatever you’d like to call it). This chair isn’t the best, but I can always bring one in if I really wanted to. This desk is pretty damn sturdy; what else you need from a desk? And I’m a programmer, I use a computer to do my “paperwork”. I also get paid decent to do my job as well; no big complaints here. What really fulfills me though, is the work I get done within those four walls.

I get to work on projects that help a business be successful; the work I do affects thousands of people with a click of a button; and billions of other reasons beyond that. It takes passion, knowledge, time, and implementation to do those things. I am learning every single day that I am doing something within those four walls. So I’d have to say that it’s the work you put out within the four walls is what really matters. Also, it really doesn’t matter where you work in my opinion; your bedroom, the beach, a log in the middle of the woods. If you don’t have a passion for what you’re doing in life, nothing really matters.

As a side note, if you expect the best of the best, you need to be the best. Yes, there are those that have it easier or well-off because whatever reason; but are you going to just complain, or actually do something about your situation?

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