I finally heard back from Auburn, and to no surprise, they rejected me. I’m bummed the fuck out, but not as much as I thought I would be. I’m trying to take it in as a failure I can learn from, rather than just cry in my corner about it. My hypothesis on the subject is that my GMAT score was probably too low, making me less of a competitive candidate. However, in my opinion, I think that only means someone takes timed quizzes better than me, not that they’re more qualified. In any event, I’ve already said to the universe what I think about the situation -which is also one of my mantras – “fuck this shit“. I will show this university what they missed out on.

Now that I’m over the previous school, I’ve already thought about another plan with some quick Googling. I was thinking to head back on over to Michigan and taking a look at Siena Heights University. Their MBA program sounds appealing, but I want to kill two birds with one stone by entering a dual-degree program. Essentially, I want a MBA and some Master degree in computer science, which Siena does not apparently have. I ended up on U of M’s website of their dual-degree programs.I’m seriously considering it, but I still have to get more information on it; which I can’t because they have an internal error when you try to request information (what the actual fuck, right?).

Anyway, I figured I’d update my 1.3 viewers on my blog about my non-adventurous life. I also thought I need to write more. Spending around $100 a year for a site I don’t utilize, which is a complete waste of money.

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