There is a designation called the Associate in General Insurance, or often referred to as AINS. In order to attain this designation, there are three paths that a prospective student can take, but the generic one is passing the AINS 21, 22, and 23.

As I am working in the insurance industry, I figured it would benefit my career to learn a little more about insurance. I enrolled into an AINS 21 course, which goes over commercial property insurance, business income insurance, and commercial crime and equipment breakdown insurance. My company has a partnership with a college that actually provides the class. So far, it’s been very informative for me. In all honesty, I’ve learned a lot of things that I probably should’ve known; like what inland marine insurance is.

The way the class I am enrolled in is structured where you can either take 3 individual exams or one big exam at the end of the class. I opted for the 3 individual exams since my mind cannot store all that information. I have my first exam coming up and I’m kind of stoked; being 1/3 of the way done with this path gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

So far, I’m content on completing the AINS 21 class. I’ve yet to decide if I want to take the other two courses to actually attain the designation. While I am taking this class, I am still trying to get into an MBA program. If I am accepted, this AINS journey may have a short ending.

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