One day, I recently had an urge to write some T-SQL. The issue is that I didn’t want to get up from the comfort of my couch and use my Windows machine. Instead, I decided to take more time by doing a little research to see if I can run a SQL server on Docker, on my MacBook. Mind that I have no experience with Docker, other than some YouTube videos. Long story short – I ended up getting Docker running and using Azure Data Studio to write some code. Here is what I did.

Install Docker Desktop for Mac

Start MSSQL Instance

To start an MSSQL instance, you’ll need to pull an image down into the Docker repository, and then run the image. I used the terminal to handle this.

Check Docker to see image is running by opening the dashboard. If the instance isn’t green and running, check the logs but clicking on the instance. I had a few issues in the beginning, but it was just because my password did not fit the requirements:

Install Azure Data Studio

If you’re not familiar with Azure Data Studio, it is basically another database tool you can use on multiple platforms. I think it’s an awesome tool that offers something for developers, DBAs, and even data analysts.

Connect to MSSQL Server

Create a new connection and enter the user name and password that was generated when running the image.

Happy coding!

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