By the title, I’m sure you’re aware that I have finally attained my MBA, concentrating in Computer Information Systems. I also know that I’ve skipped a few blogs for each of the classes I took at University of Michigan – Flint, but between a child, school, and accepting a new position at Ford Motor Company, free time has been slim.

Regardless, I’m incredibly ecstatic about finishing up my MBA. Not only for myself, but my parents. They were probably more excited than I was. The experience of the commencement in these covid times was particularly interesting. Each student was allowed two guests and there were three seats for each grouping in the conference center. Walking the stage and taking the final picture, I had to keep my mask on. It was unfortunate, I do believe that covid has taken a big part of the experience of graduating away from me, but safety first.

Now that I’m done with my degree, I’ve been asked multiple times what my next steps in life are. Honestly, I’m not sure yet. Go for a doctoral degree? Sit back and watch my daughter grow up? Pursue some kind of business? I don’t know, but I do know I want to do something. In the meantime, I can just hang out with my daughter.

To wrap this Master Degree series up, I encourage those that enjoy education to pursue. For those that don’t care for traditional education, there are several ways to become “successful”; don’t let others tell you an education is required, it’s just another avenue. Good luck on your future endeavors and thanks for keeping up with me.

Also, thank you to my everyone that has supported me through this journey. It was not a single-effort task. Incredible huge thank you to my wife for being the biggest support through everything. Without you, I definitely would have not been able to do even 10% of this.

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