In today’s world, there’s an infinite supply of information. It can be overly complicated to try and narrow down the best way to find some motivation or inspiration. In this post, I hope that I can provide you with three tips to filter through the endless amounts of data to find what you’re looking for.

Find Someone You Connect With

When you read enough books, watch enough videos, listen to enough podcasts, and research the web enough, you’ll find that everyone’s basically saying the same thing. What’s important is that you connect with the creator of the content. The advice you receive and how you comprehend everything from that person makes a world of a difference.

For instance, if you’re like me and grew up low income and in rough neighborhoods, it may be hard to take motivation advice from someone that grew up rich. Don’t get me wrong, it may be very sound advice, but that person and I probably don’t have a lot of things in common. However, if you put someone like ET Preacher in front of me, I’ll probably find his speech to be really inspirational. Why? The language he uses, the way he moves, the tone of his voice – that’s all a part of the connection I’m talking about. I believe it cause that’s what I grew up around.

Having said that, it doesn’t always have to be your upbringing that connects you with others. It could be anything that grabs your attention such as interests, the conviction in their voice, the way they dress, the way they treat others, it could even be the fact that they are rich. The goal is to find someone that you can connect with, and I bet that it’ll help you be more motivated and inspired.

It Might Not Be The Right Time

Like many areas in life, it might not be the right time for what you’re consuming. Specifically for motivation and inspiration, what you’re hearing, seeing, or reading may not mean anything to you because you have nothing to associate it with. Even if it doesn’t mean anything in the moment, I’d recommend keeping that information written somewhere or in the back of your mind because it may provide value later on in life.

I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve read things in the past just to do it; in hopes that it’ll magically just make my life better when it actually did nothing. The good thing though is that I’ve found that when I revisit those things at certain points in my life, they eventually do help. Sometimes, the same quote may help me in a number of different ways, depending on where I am in life. They can mean something different to me, which ultimately means you have an endless supply of motivation and inspiration.

So even if you’re plowing through stuff for help and not finding anything of substance, don’t completely write it off cause it can potentially help you in the future.

Motivate and Inspire Others

If you can’t seem to find anything to motivate and inspire you or you think you’ve got it all figured out, try doing it for others. In a way of you giving back, you may find that very thing that you’re looking for. It’s a good way to mentor, all while helping you to remember some things you may have been overlooking as well. Hopefully it will reignite that fire you seem to have lost. This isn’t science, but I find that it helps me when I help others.

Overall, I hope one of these tips trigger you to find what you’re looking for and really connect with it.

Wishing you the best!

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